Category Archives: Musing
I learned a new word from the book On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moore which I want to jot down here for future use. I don’t know what that use will be, mind you, but I like collecting topo-themed words. Referencing an old Apache cowboy (described in another book I’ve discussed) who would occasionally…
Pillar Arc
I’ve begun to appreciate public art more and more as maybe is evident by the theme of some recent posts. While in Seattle recently for a conference, I frequented a little plaza outside of the downtown courthouse. It was a block away from the conference center and was a nice respite when I needed it….
Not a conduit, but a place
While visiting family in Minneapolis a few weeks ago, we made an afternoon trip to the Minneapolis Sculpture Park. There was still a foot of snow on the ground in places but the iconic spoon and cherry and other sculptures were intriguing and we enjoyed getting some fresh air. Me being me, I couldn’t help…
Lake Tulare
I’ve been watching with intrigue as the long dormant Lake Tulare has been refilling itself following record rain and snow-fall in California. It was once the largest body of freshwater west of the Mississippi but was drained for farmland a couple generations ago. My initial response to the story has been to root for the…
Exploration and Culture
Being in space exploration you’re never far from the question, “but is it worth it?” A typical answer normally references that technological spin offs from space exploration improve life on Earth, that NASA is only a very small portion of federal government spending, that space exploration supports many well-paying jobs across the country (although I…
Maps and art
I’m constantly on the looking for new and interesting ways to use maps and here are a couple of very unique examples.
Out for a walk
I’m a very geographically inclined individual. I appreciate maps, particularly a good topographic one. Navigation is something of a hobby of mine and recognizing where I am relative to the local terrain is one of my favorite parts about hiking. As such, I tend to have good geospatial memory and often relate my memories to…
A good neighbor
At my former apartment I became friendly with our upstairs neighbor, Lucy. She is about the age of my parents and is absolutely delightful. We’d leave leftover desserts at her door and she’d occasionally drop by with some extra lasagna. That sort of neighbor. One time I ran into her outside and we got into…
Mt. Wilson
I’ve never really liked homepages. I don’t want to see the news, nor do I care for a version of my browsing history to show up and be reminded of all the websites I click on too much. I had a fun idea a couple of weeks ago though to set set my homepage to…