One Thousand True Fans
There’s a concept, popularized by Kevin Kelly, that you only need 1,000 true fans to make it as an artist or creator. You don’t need to go viral, don’t need millions of followers, and don’t need to be a household name. All you need is 1,000 people willing to show up and pay $10 or $50 or $100 dollars for your latest thing. It’s a compelling concept (even though I didn’t get anywhere near that mark with my own project).
I’ve begun to think of Kelly’s 1,000 true fans from the opposite perspective though, as one of someone else’s 1,000 fans. You can make a big difference just by showing up for someone, buying their art, watching their films, or regularly getting coffee from that little shop in town. By being someone’s fan you may just be able to make their dreams come true and help bring more good art into the world.